Specificity of the P&MS

Executives and managers are confronted with specific problems requiring a particular treatment. They have a latitude of action, initiative and responsibility. Through their intermediary positions in the company hierarchy, they are the relay between the employers' vision and those of the other workers, implementing the managerial decisions, which they have shaped or not, and whose repercussions they evaluate. In this way, they contribute to refining solutions that are beneficial to all.

What is the European definition of professional and managerial staff?

Depending on the EU countries, there are differences in the definition of a manager, depending on the sociological criteria used, the legal aspect of the types of employment contract, the existence of a status, local regulations.... In the company, they are sometimes referred to as "white collar" or "pink collar" workers.

This group of workers includes Supervisors, Technicians, Executives, Engineers, Consultants, Experts, Managers... but without the function of employer!

Executives and managers are not an employers, and meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Higher education or equivalent professional experience or expertise,
  • Employment of an intellectual, creative or artistic nature,
  • High degree of judgment and initiative
  • High degree of autonomy,
  • Delegation from the employer under the authority of the employer,
  • Responsibility for planning, directing, controlling and coordinating the activities of a part of the company or an organization or a team,
  • Command authority excluding senior management
  • Supervision of a team
  • Flexibility in the scheduling and organization of one's work

Les cadres favorisent la dynamique des équipes et la circulation de l’information.
Their responsibility is to make proposals to meet challenges and build a world that is fair, supportive and respectful of the planet.
They are the first to be confronted with the major changes in the world, and their experience serves as a laboratory of ideas for the whole of society.

eTIC represents more specifically

Supervisors, Technicians, Executives, Engineers, Managers... of companies and administrations without forgetting the Consultants, Experts, Artists, Journalists...

Defense of economic interests

Taking part in social dialogue

Defense of moral interests

Influencing European debates

Making the voice of professional and managerial staff heard

Responding to technological challenges