
Created in Brussels in 1999, under the impulse of 7 founding organizations, eTIC is the federation of professional and managerial staff in the sectors of Telecommunications, Information & Communication Technologies, Media, Culture and Services.

eTIC is an active member of the CEC-European Manager. eTIC's members are national or sectoral organizations, professional unions, trade unions, associations, union sections... of "professional and managerial staff" who share the same values, ambitions and objectives as eTIC.

Telecom, ISP, Call centers

Communication and Social Media

Culture, Music, Entertainment

Audiovisual, Journalism

Computer science, IT, Software, ICT

Publishing, Distribution, Press, Graphic design

Exhibitions, Advertising, Design

Consulting, Studies, Audit, Training

Digital, Artificial intelligence

Our sectors of activity

Affiliated to the CEC, eTIC is an European social partner for the sectors of Telecommunications, Information Technology, Communication, Culture, Media and Services.

eTIC defends more particularly the collective interests of those who exercise the trades and professions of its branches.

Our members


For a long time, Professionals and managerial staff have been totally excluded from the heart of social dialogue, especially in Europe. Neither worker nor employer, they were not represented by either and thus remained on the sidelines of social dialogue.


eTIC has the vocation to represent more specifically the P&MS because they are confronted with specific problems requiring a particular treatment.

Our beliefs

★ Let us share what unites us in our diversity,

★ Let's dialogue and mobilize our collective intelligence in the search and implementation of answers to the challenges of technological, cultural, societal and environmental revolutions,

★ Let us build the world of tomorrow based on social justice and fraternity, respectful of the planet, for all and everywhere in the world.

Our values

The eTIC federation is registered in the transparency register of the European Union.

eTIC is apolitical, non-denominational and independent.


Our origin

In 1998, while CEC was involved at the European cross-industry level in the European social dialogue alongside Eurocadres, the CEC representatives of the new technologies sectors also wished to take part in the construction of Social Europe and to be represented there. Their ambition was to bring their stone to this edifice, and to carry more specifically the voice and the complementary vision of the P&MS of the sectors they represented.

As a member of the CEC – European Managers, the eTIC federation wished from its creation to fully play its role of European Sectoral Social Partner by actively participating in the work of the European Union, through its mission devolved by articles 153-155 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).

Our story

Created in Brussels in 1999, under the impulse of 7 founding organizations, eTIC is the federation of professional and managerial staff in the sectors of Telecommunications, Information & Communication Technologies, Media, Culture and Services.

The European federation Medi@Managers was created in Brussels in 1999, under the impulse of 7 founding organizations from Germany, Finland, France, Italy, Norway and Sweden, namely: FCCS, FIECI, FNDAI, SNCT, UNIGRAFIC, VAF and VDF and on the foundations of the former European Federation EUROPTEL. In 2002, its statutes as a European trade union were deposited at the Paris City Hall. In 2006, the General Assembly of September 28 adopted its new name: eTIC. unication Technologies, Media, Culture and Services sectors.

Dès le départ, eTIC développe son réseau et son influence. Structurée avec les «EUROPEAN-NETWORK-TEAM» par métiers, elle est rapidement efficace. Son activité est ponctuée par l’organisation de Rencontres entre homologues européens, le soutien technique et le suivi des Comités d’Entreprise Européens ou transnationaux et, son engagement sur les dossiers européens la concernant.En 2010, après plus de 12 ans de bons et loyaux services, la direction du bureau et les autres fondateurs ont souhaité passer le flambeau à une équipe renouvelée autour de Sebastian MÜLLER, donnant ainsi une nouvelle impulsion à l’organisation. La fédération s’est alors façonnée au gré de l’actualité de l’UE et de l’enthousiasme de ses membres pendant toute la décade suivante.

The global context has become more complex. International standards and decisions are now imposed on all. The CoVid 19 pandemic reveals all that is in fact intimately linked. The social aspect is entangled with environmental, economic, ethical, women's and men's rights, international trade rules, multilateralism and global balances.

In 2020, eTIC is asking itself the question of the renewal of its authorities and its revival. Ambitious projects are being developed. A new team is formed around Ioannis SIDERIS combining seasoned skills and new talents, united in their diversity by the same enthusiasm and sharing the same original values and ambitions.

Our governance

le 27 octobre 2023, l’Assemblée Générale élective ratifie la feuille de route proposée et décide d’une nouvelle composition des instances de la fédération. Sont élus à l’unanimité à la tête de l’organisation le trio formé de :

Ioannis SIDERIS, President

Sylvain Le QUERE, General Secretary

Jérôme GRASSELLI, Treasurer


Chaque organisation membre d’eTIC se voit confier une Vice-Présidence avec mission d’ambassadeur sur son propre terrain national.


In accordance with the statutes of the eTIC federation, its Board of Directors is thus complete. The eTIC federation is once again in order.

2021, a new page is written: eTIC continues its mission and begins this new departure, to contribute to meet the new challenges of the world of today and be a force of proposals to build tomorrow.

Do you want to join us? Any question?