Conference on the future of Europe to reform the EU and bring it closer to its citizens

"A new space for citizens to address Europe's challenges and priorities "so that every European can contribute". PARTICIPATE on: the platform is open to you for one year from April 19, 2021

9+1 themes make up the menu: "Climate change and environment", "Health", "Stronger & fairer economy and social justice and employment", "EU on the international scene", "Values, rights, rule of law and security", "Digital transformation", "European democracy", "Migration", "Education, culture, youth and sport" + a free field for any other theme.

The consultation will last one year. All contributions will be aggregated and studied to feed the citizens' panels and plenary conferences that will be organized during one year.

First conclusions expected in spring 2022.

eTIC is convinced of the ambitious need to reshape the European Union and to bring it closer to each of its citizens

Even if it means changing the treaties. It is vital to give a new impetus to the EU. eTIC will not let pass this great opportunity to bring, once again, its stone to the reform of the European Union. eTIC will actively contribute to all these works and will share the fruit of its reflections on the definition of the priorities of the EU. eTIC invites you to follow its communications.

"The European Union, its great projects, its great ambitions and great dreams to be found... very quickly! ". 

The eTIC federation will be there.


From the proposal in March 2019

President E.Macron presents a proposal to reform the EU. With the pandemic, inter-institutional differences, lack of enthusiasm ... the project seemed abandoned. However the idea is making its way with refinements, modifications, an outline of the Portuguese presidency ... 

On April 19th 2021, the multilingual digital platform is unveiled.

On 4 March the European Parliament adopts the roadmap of the conference. On 10 March 2021, the President of the European Parliament D. SASSOLI, the President of the European Commission Ursula von der LEYEN and the Portuguese Prime Minister sign a joint declaration indicating the methodology adopted for this vast debate proposed to all European citizens: Everyone can contribute on the multilingual platform. The conference will be chaired by this trio. In June, the Prime Minister of Slovenia will replace his Portuguese counterpart due to the change of EU Presidency.

And the platform is launched on May 9, 2021,

The day of the Europe Day, in Strasbourg, in the hemicycle of the European Parliament in person.

Now it's up to all of us to participate!

One Response

  1. Ce non-dit sur la possibilité de réformer les traités est problématique car les chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement ne sont pas tenus d’appliquer lettre pour lettre le rapport final, notamment s’il propose des réformes de traités. Sur l’obligation de suivi du rapport, il y a un flou.

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